The story of GTS-based event Pokémon is, without a doubt, the story of the Pokémon Daisuki Club. You may be wondering, what on earth is the Daisuki Club? Ah! It’s the real-life counterpart to the beloved in-game Pokémon fanclub as seen in RBY! (You remember that house in Vermilion City, right? The Club Chairman waffles on endlessly about his beloved Rapidash, and offers you a Bike Voucher by way of apology.) The word “daisuki” (だいすき) translates literally to “love”, making the Pokémon Daisuki Club the “Pokémon Love Club”.1ポケモンだいすきクラブ I swear it sounds less creepy in Japanese.
The Daisuki Club was established in January 2004 as the dedicated fan arm of The Pokémon Company, charged with overseeing the franchise’s community outreach in Japan. It employed at least a dozen full-time staff. At the pinnacle of its prominence, the Club organised and hosted such real-life Pokémon events as the 2006 and 2007 Pokémon Festa – which is a story unto its own.2 Pokémon Festa was an annual event between 2002 and 2009, no event 2010, since 2011, Pokémon makes a showing at the annual Jump Festa instead. But that tale is best saved for another time. Its crowdfacing employees became pseudo-celebrities, appearing on TV shows such as Pokémon Sunday.
The Club’s everyday medium for fanbase interaction was more modest than national television, however. Through an online presence on the website, the Daisuki Club kept the fanbase apprised of the latest community-oriented developments in the Poké-universe. The Club also occupied a special members-only corner of the site, filled with comics, minigames, online and offline competitions, contests, raffles, and a special points-based store packed with exclusive and limited edition gifts to offer that little something extra to Pokemon’s most loyal and/or youthful fans. Here is a sneak preview. Over time, the Club’s popularity climbed rapidly, reaching one million members by September / October 2006.3“ポケモンだいすきクラブ100万人突破記念企画(とっぱきねんきかく)”, Daisuki Club website, November 5 2006 snapshot: This milestone coincided almost exactly with the Japanese release of Diamond & Pearl, and it was here that the Daisuki Club would pioneer the GTS promotion format.
On December 15 2006, the Daisuki Club announced a new website feature: the “Let’s! Wi-Fi! Communication” pages.4 If you’ll forgive the clunky translation from: レッツ!Wi-Fi!コミュニケーション It offered a variety of things: a WiFi NPC Trainer Tower, WiFi battle challenges that pitted regions of Japan against one another,5 「ちいきポイントバトル☆マッチ」, GTS usage statistics for perusal, and what we’re interested in here, the promise of exchanging Pokémon with GTS staff.6 This website once mirrored Daisuki Club WiFi data: It was big enough a deal that media outlet DengekiOnline picked up on it, reporting on the Let’s! WiFi! features alongside a discussion of an upcoming sugoroku (すごろく) contest with exclusive prizes.7 A boardgame akin to snakes & ladders. Pokémon Scoop reported on it too, its Winter 2006 issue dedicating most of a page to explaining the Club’s WiFi Tower plans and GTS challenge and statistics ambitions. What of the planned player-and-Daisuki-staff GTS exchanges? Well. Here’s where it gets tricky.

Pokémon Scoop – Winter 2006 issue. Left: “GTS Research”; right: WiFi Tower. ICanSnake’s collection.
You see, while anybody with a Japanese residential address was free to join the Daisuki Club at no cost, accessing the majority of its online content required account registration and login. Unfortunately for us, specifics of the December 2006 – March 2007 Daisuki GTS exchanges were provided inside the confines of the Club’s members area, shielded by a sign-in portal and thus inaccessible entirely to archival crawlers. This exclusivity is part of the reason why sources for these “mini Daisuki” distributions, as I’ve affectionately come to call them, are incredibly thin even in the original Japanese. Information is so patchy, in fact, that for years, Pokémon like Uttsu Cherubi, Nana Milotic and Norii Blissey were variously considered phantom or outright fake events.
Gaps in coverage are therefore both inevitable and something we’ll have to live with, possibly forever, as the puzzle pieces required to assemble a fully comprehensive picture seem inaccessible, lost, or may simply no longer exist. The glimmer of hope, in this respect, is that the shielded pages inside the Daisuki Club members area may have somehow been preserved by either a prescient individual or TPC itself, and could surface at some indeterminate time in the future, thereby bringing answers to many of the uncertainties and open questions surrounding Trainer IDs, Mail templates, distribution dates, and so on. Either way, even if that never happens, the glass is most definitely half-full: up until very recently, there was no dedicated examination or write-up of these events in any language. Now there is – you’re reading it.
So, without further ado, let’s get stuck in, kicking off with that trail-blazing stagbeetle: Uttsu’s Heracross.
Let’s! WiFi! #1: HERACROSS
December 21, 2006
In 2007, Daisuki Club staffer Uttsu (ウッツ-) was 28 years old. He’d worked for the fanclub a number of years now, and even appeared as a special guest on the weekly TV variety show Pokemon☆Sunday, where he took on its host Shokotan in a furious Pokémon battle and, possibly per the script, lost.8The episode in question was #110, aired November 19, 2006. Uttsu stayed with the fanclub at least another 2-3 years; after that, the record went dark… Until one day in February 2021, The Pokémon Company (TPC) decided to broadcast one of its trademark Directs, and TPC’s Chief Operating Officer – a certain Takato Utsunomiya – appeared on screen to tell viewers about New Pokémon Snap. My! You’ve come a long way, Uttsu! But, let’s not stray from Winter 2006/07, when Uttsu’s star had yet to begin its steady ascent and back-to-back Daisuki mini-distributions bore his name: Cherubi, and before that, Heracross.9 The source for information about Uttsu’s age is:

Uttsu and Shokotan face off on Pokémon Sunday in late 2006 (top); Uttsu as Pokémon Company COO in February 2021’s Pokémon Direct (bottom).
The first of six total Let’s! WiFi! “mini” staff exchange campaigns, trade details for Heracross were posted to Daisuki site the same day the WiFi Corner went live (December 15), and they were… Uh, we can’t say with certainty. The announcement wasn’t preserved. But it appears to have instructed players to deposit a choice of Staravia or Luxio at Lv.20+ or Lv.30+10 The exact level is uncertain. holding Air Mail by December 20, and request a Lv.30+ male Heracross in return. Sometime on the 21st an exchange would happen, for a Pokémon that was slated to look as follows:
OTN: ウッツ-
TID: 43393
– トム [Tom]
– ラクロス [Lacrosse]
– むしお [Mushio]
Male, Lv. 38
Holding: Space Mail
Before we discuss the considerable buzz this created amongst dedicated Daisuki followers at the time, let’s quickly discuss the Space Mail Heracross promised to hold. This was not a trivial detail. The words contained in them weren’t merry “how do you do” or “feelin’ lucky, punk?” from Uttsu, but keywords with an ulterior purpose. It wouldn’t be a true contest if there weren’t a prize attached, and the keywords were enterable on a special section of the Daisuki website to confirm that you, indeed, were the winner. Isn’t that cool? This “get a ‘Mon to win”, Mail-based prize-giving format persisted throughout all of the 2007-09 GTS events, and the Daisuki Club proudly thought it up.11 All subsequent GTS distributions did things this way. See the Magikarp article for a broader discussion of Mail, keywords, and prizes. Contest source for the mini Daisukis is:
In any case, on the surface, the promotion had all the ingredients to blow up big. It echoed the zeitgeist: a real-world Pokémon prize awarded not behind closed-doors or through an old-fashioned televised raffle, but by using that symbol of progress – the GTS – as the transaction medium. A million-plus registered Daisuki members were eligible to try their luck, so takers aplenty! And not insignificantly, a very special event Pokémon itself was up for grabs, one that had been hand-reared by the pseudo-celebrities of the Daisuki Club itself, and carried their Trainer Names to prove it. Could it get any better?
Feverish excitement was discernible in the run-up to December 21 on Japan’s 2channel message board, as players raised Luxio and/or Staravia in advance to meet trade requirements, in some cases multiples of them. Folks were at their computers well before midnight on the 20th, in case some automated system would begin spitting out Heracross as soon as the clock struck twelve.12 The forum source for most of this discussion is:
Players quickly found, however, that their posted trades either weren’t going through, or resulted in receiving fake Heracross that mimicked the real thing. Confusion reigned into December 21 as participants began to wonder about the number of Daisuki staff exchanges that was to take place, and exactly when. One poster suggested only one of each nickname Heracross would be given out, three total, to which another replied “if that’s true, whoever planned this is out of his mind”, adding that 9 gifts total were available, implying three of each. Another posted agreed.13 Ibid., Post 256-259. Then in the afternoon of the 21st, a message from Uttsu went up in the WiFi Corner, bringing all speculation to an end: “Exchange successful! I’ve traded with three people!”14 「交換済!3人とこうかんしたよ!」Post 264, An outburst of bitter digital disappointment followed. One poster lamented how he’d assumed everyone who uploaded a Luxio would received a special Uttsu Heracross. Disillusionment was palpable as people felt cheated. The Daisuki Club had over a million members. How could Uttsu trade only three Pokémon? Were they off their rocker?! “Better off just PalParking one”, one frustrated poster wrote.
However, there’s always that one lucky Bug Catcher… Someone – their username wasn’t archived – posted an image of a convincing-looking Mushio Hercross to the 2channel message board on December 21, 200.15 Post 296, 302, 304 Sadly, the picture is no longer viewable.16 Should someone want to try and recover it, its URL was: Mr. Anonymous reported Mushio to have a moveset of Close Combat, Earthquake, Protect, Shadow Claw,17インファイト、じしん、まもる、シャドークロー and a met date of December 20 2006. (If accurate, Uttsu sure raised three Heracross from egg to Lv.38 real fast!) The person who obtained Mushio thought its “trainer notes” were suspicious, but without laying eyes on said information (or better yet, the Pokémon itself), we can’t ascertain what he might have meant. The poster did, helpfully, share the template of Mushio’s attached Mail, all blanks being Pokémon names:
Which, within Gen IV’s EasyChat system, translates to:
I love「」!
I love 「」, too!
I can do anything for「」!
「」, I’m going with 「」!
Like the obtain dates and movesets of the three Heracross, we are unable to verify if this is the correct message. So what can we conclude? Well, that it’s plausible 2channel Mushio was the real deal.
Not least because, in an incredible stroke of luck, we possess an Uttsu “Tom” Heracross with the same moveset, the same met date, and Mail of the same template. How do we know Tom wasn’t just modelled after the public Mushio information, posted on the interweb for the world to see? Well, Tom’s hidden data encouragingly suggests that whomever hatched the Pokémon and put together its Space Mail also composed the Heart Mail on a preserved Uttsu Magikarp (from the Valentine’s distribution). Does that point to Uttsu’s own handiwork? We sure like to believe so! The reasoning’s a bit circular, but considering the difficulty of forging in-game Mail properly, especially with the tools of 2007, plus the exceptional nature of this distribution – I’m hesitant to even call it one – that’s as tight an argument as you’re gonna get. A maximum sample size of three doesn’t leave much to work with.18 Quite frankly, there’s no single authoritative source that says Heracross its TID should even be 43393. I don’t doubt it, however, not least because troublemakers faked Uttsu Magikarp bearing that TID during the Valentine’s Event two months later. See: Post 191,
All but inevitably, all three variants of Heracross would show up on trading lists within a year. As for the likelihood of those being authentic, well… You do the math.
Let’s! WiFi! #2: CHERUBI
January 18, 2007
Do you, do you, do you, do you
Know what you’re doing, doing, to me
~ Kaiser Chiefs
Huh? What’s that? I adapted some lyrics of the Kaiser Chiefs’ hit single “Ruby” to distract you from the fact we have next to no solid information about Uttsu’s Cherubi? Ha! Wait till we get to Gible, Blissey, and Garchomp.
Sadly, it’s all true. Uttsu’s Cherubi was announced in a Daisuki newspiece on January 13, 2007, with the distribution to take place five days later, on the 18th. Was that too short notice? Had would-be participants perhaps concluded that the odds of winning an Uttsu Cherubi were so infinitismal that camping the GTS simply wasn’t worthwhile? Or did Cherubi experience Magikarp Interference™, as this big-time GTS Valentine’s Event was announced just days before the itty-bitty Cherubi swap. Either way that 2channel thread, which had been set atwitter by Heracross, remained mostly silent about the cherry Pokémon, preferring to discuss the almighty Magikarp instead.
In any case, it’s fair to say Cherubi was probably another of Uttsu’s personal favourites. It’s likely that she hatched three of them in or around Solaceon Town on her personal copy of Diamond, raised them to Lv.20-odd, stopped by the Name Rater, wrote and attached some Bloom Mail, and thereby prepared Pokémon that looked as follows:
OTN: ウッツ-
TID: 43393
– キビ [Kibi]
– カスミ[Kasumi]
– ハツユキ [Hatsuyuki]
Female, Lv. ??
Holding: Bloom Mail
In return she asked the following:
Zubat Lv.20+ / Onix Lv. 20+
Holding: Tunnel Mail
Request: Cherubi, Lv.20+19 Source is: Post 527,
I’m not sure what the purpose was in giving players a choice of two exceedingly common Pokémon to deposit. Then again, this was a recurring theme for all six small-time Daisuki distros, even though each involved only three giveaway Pokémon on a million-plus eligible Daisuki members (or the entirety of Pokémon fandom, if you assume the GTS details leaked, which they did), and the intention clearly wasn’t to satisfy all of people’s trade requests. We shan’t question it any further.
Ah, right. Has an authentic Uttsu Cherubi been preserved? It doesn’t seem like it. One blogger reported receiving a fake Hatsuyuki (ハツユキ) Cherubi without Mail – it had the wrong TID (15160) anyway. Plenty of traders have claimed to own some, including this fellow in 2011 – four whole years after the fact. So far, no Cherubi we’ve come across passes even basic authenticity checks.
But! For those seasoned fans who desired another 1/333.000 moonshot, the future looked bright indeed! As one blogger wrote: the exchange with Uttsu had finished, but more of the same seemed on the horizon as this “official project” was slated to “continue in the future”, starting with Nana Milotic.
Let’s! WiFi! #3: MILOTIC
February 1, 2007
Have you met Nana? No, I haven’t either. I can’t even find her picture online. Yet she worked at the Daisuki Club for the better part of a decade, and was for a time its best known employee. The GTS events reflect her one-time prominence: the Daisuki Milotic here bears her name, as do a Valentine’s Magikarp and a 2009 Ralts. Last I can find she teamed up with Slowpoke to write goofy little articles for the Poké website.20 For example:;; and That was in 2015. You won’t find any monument to her (or Uttsu’s) dedicated years of service on the renovated Daisuki website, which is perhaps a touch amnesiac. Then again, maybe today’s Daisuki Club isn’t what it used to be.
So, Milotic. The aqua serpent’s distribution was announced on January 19th, the very day after Uttsu traded his Cherubi… And then 2channel hardly talked about it until the trades had already happened, on February 1. Even then, the discussion was brief. A handful of posters participated in the event – a first received two ordinary Milotic, swapped for Buneary and Pachirisu; another claimed to have gotten a Milotic that “looked good”, whatever that meant. A third user surveyed the boards’ lukewarm response and questioned participation morale. Nobody thought to post pictures or share specifics.21 Posters 619, 621, 628 and 633 all participated in GTS Milotic. See: With that in mind, we’re frankly rather fortunate to piece together Milotic’s traits and exchange data in full. (Though I’d love to see an authoritative source for its Mail types!)22 Deposit: Buneary or Pachirisu with Bloom Mail, per this April 2007 blog: Milotic’s holding Heart Mail is unsourced.
OTN: ナナ
TID: 03128
– ローズ [Rose]
– ジャスミン [Jasmin]
– ネロリ [Nerori]
Female, Lv. ??
Holding: Heart Mail
To be traded for either of the following:
Pachirisu Lv.? / Buneary Lv.?
Holding: Bloom Mail
Request: Milotic, Lv.?+
Jasmine, Rose, Nerori… Nana sure loved her essential oils! “Nerori”, or Neroli (with an ‘L’) as it’s known in English, is an aromatic floral oil produced from the blossom of the bitter orange tree. Bitter oranges make great marmalade. The more you know!
Like Cherubi, we’re not quite certain of the Milotics’ distribution level. A potentially authentic archival Jasmine Milotic, holding Heart Mail, is level 28. Were Rose and Nerori, too? Or did their levels scale, with an offset of one between variants, like Valentine’s Magikarp and the GTS2009 which ranged from Lv.5 to Lv.9? It’s impossible to answer. This Ahiru Milotic, by the way, also happens to be our sole source for the Pokemon’s held Mail type. Yeah, that’s not gonna hold up in a court of law.
In any case, the Nana Milotic distro capped off the first triptych of mini-Sukes. Nine total Pokémon holding nine Mails meant that nine prizes were ready to be shipped out… And I wish I could tell you what they were, but we have no clue. It came up in 2channel conversation not once.
Let’s! WiFi! #4: GIBLE
February 27, 2007 (?)
Once the Valentine’s Karp Kraze had concluded, the mini-Daisuki events returned in force frustratingly small numbers for a second stint of 3×3 Pokémon. First out of the gate were a trio of Gible… And we know hardly anything about them, or their creator, RuiRui.
Let’s start with RuiRui. While the modern internet shows at least traces of Uttsu and Nana’s erstwhile activities at the Club, RuiRui is a near-total enigma. And that’s not for want of digging. The sources are just not there. All I can say with certainty is that RuiRui was female, fond of heart emoji, and a self-declared tunnel enthusiast. No, that’s not some raunchy innuendo. Her three Gible are named after some of Japan’s most famous road and rail tunnels: tarusawa, the country’s now-defunct shortest railway tunnel (a mere 7.2 metres long!); kan-etsu, an 11km long, futuristic looking mountain road tunnel; and seikan tunnel, the engineering marvel that connects Japan’s main islands of Honshu and Hokkaido by undersea railway. It’s 50 km in length. The more you know, take two!
Having (likely) been announced in a February 19 newsblast,23Post 959, the Gible distribution date was sometime between February 27, when 2channel started talking about them, and March 2. Players were asked to deposit Croagunk or Carnivine holding, appropriately, Tunnel Mail!24 Source for Tunnel Mail on the Croagunk / Carnivine collateral is the July 2007 blog here:
OTN: ルイルイ❤
TID: 19282 (?)
– たるさわ [Tarusawa]
– かんえつ [Kanetsu]
– せいかん [Seikan]
Female, Lv. ??
Holding: ??? Mail
In exchange for:
Croagunk Lv.? / Carnivine Lv.?
Holding: Tunnel Mail
Request: Gible, Lv.20+
As you can see from the strategically placed question mark, not even Gible’s TID is certain. What type of Mail the Gible held is unknown; what level they came at is also not clear. Gible happened, but the timing was all wrong: after the frenzied highs of GTS Valentine and communal hangover of not-getting an elusive Magikarp despite trying really hard, the internet wasn’t quite ready to care.
Let’s! WiFi! #5: BLISSEY
March 15, 2007
…This is getting old fast now. Who was Norii? You tell me! It’s astonishing how there’s apparently no web-based record of RuiRui and Norii’s Daisuki activities even though both have multiple events in their name. Perhaps they weren’t public-facing persona. Or perhaps all their online content was lost to the chaos engine of the early internet.
Either way, on March 15 2007, between 7PM and 9PM Japan Standard Time, Norii traded away three of her Blissey. They looked a little something like this:
OTN: ノリィ
TID: 31507 (?)
– ハピネス [Hapinesu]
– ???
– ???
Female, Lv. ??
Holding: Mosaic Mail (?)
Buizel Lv.20+ / Wingull Lv.20+
Holding: Grass Mail
Request: Blissey, Lv.30+
More people tried for Blissey than Gible, and one blogger actually covered the event. Yay! We know Blissey’s exchange information thanks to post #27 on 2channel here, but the remainder of the Pokémon’s details, well… I’m not at all comfortable stating that the other two Blissey were nicknamed Felicita (フェリチタ) and Bonūru as Anglosphere traders seemed to think, because there is just no credible Japanese source to back that up.
On the bright side: this blog post here is fantastic. It’s got images of a “Hapinesu” Blissey that could well be authentic. Could. Fakes abounded, traded off by people seemingly taking sadistic pleasure in disappointing others.
The blogger received her Norii “Happiness” Blissey before 7PM. Its OT and Nickname were clearly correct, the same as listed on the Daisuki homepage, she commented. Mail type (Mosaic) was accurate too, but what of TID 31507? Ah. We don’t know. The blogger herself deemed Hapinesu a fake because its met location didn’t say “Pokémon Fan Club” (as had been the case for Magikarp), but Solaceon Town, with the egg hatched the same day. If the previous mini-Sukes are any indication, Blissey’s egg should’ve been hatched the day prior, on March 14. Truthfully, without getting eyes on the Pokémon itself, we can’t draw any firm conclusions.
Let’s! WiFi! #6: GARCHOMP
March 29, 2007
I like Garchomp. Many others do, too, and have for a long time. It’s a beast in battle. In Generation IV, it dominated the competitive scene. The Daisuki Club’s own numbers bore this out: Garchomp was top pick in teams that took on the exclusive WiFi Battle Room #7. So, when the Club announced the distribution of their very own, custom specimen, people must’ve been stoked, right? Yeah. I think you know where this is going.
As it was, the Daisuki “Norikku” Garchomp distribution hardly earned a passing mention on 2channel Daisuki Club thread #16 [here]. Poster 201 captured the prevailing defeatist spirit, noting that – translating freely – “whatever you get on this project, you won’t be able to tell if the Pokémon is the real deal, or an edit made to look like one”. The Daisuki Club had put themselves in a tough spot. While presumably aware of the mimicry issue, they couldn’t do much about it. Having chosen to trade out ordinary-looking Pokémon, they couldn’t not publicise TID, OTN and Nicknames in advance as they had done with Magikarp, for (accidental) participants might not realise they’d snagged something special.
In any case, Garchomp is thought to have looked like this:
OTN: のりっく
TID: ?
– リチャード [Richard] (?)
– カイン [Kain] (?)
– フラット [Furatto] (?)
Female, Lv. 48 (?)
Holding: Steel Mail (?)25 The idea that Garchomp was Lv.48 and held Steel Mail comes from this blog, which uncritically lists variable TIDs for Gible, Blissey and Garchomp that go against everything we know about these mini Daisuki: This blog also gives Gible itself as holding Tunnel Mail, and a Snow Mail variant for Blissey. All of which are entirely unsubstantiated notions that made their way into the Anglosphere and spurred the creation of an ungodly slew of hacked Daisuki that drowned out the few potentially legitimate specimens and cast an enormous shadow over all Daisuki for years. Yeah. I really don’t like this blog.
East Sea Shellos♀ Lv.10+ / West Sea Shellos♂ Lv.10+
Holding: Space Mail
Request: Garchomp, Lv.40+
The Shellos exchange info comes from this Pokéblogger, who filed it as “Daisuki Club GTS” under “News and Information”. The guy also operated an event Pokémon wiki and exchange forum, so we can safely assume the specifics are sound.
As for everything else – that is, OTN, TID, Nicknames and held Mail type, our only sources are personal trade lists, references and allusions. The internet seems to think the Garchomp OT must’ve been Norrikku [のりっく] with up to three different TIDs (20023, 34270, 40502) and the three beautiful nicknames of Richard, Kain, and Furatto – all unburdened by any official source to back it up. I don’t need to explain that, assuming all three Garchomp came from the same private copy of Diamond / Pearl like the five Let’s! WiFi! distributions before it, they cannot have different TIDs! Was Norikku even a Daisuki staffer? There’s no ValentineKarp or GTS2009 in their name.
By October 2007, a self-styled event redistributor was handing out “Richard” Norikku Garchomp without Mail. Even if we somehow got our hands on it, we wouldn’t be able to decisively say if it’s authentic, only point out areas where it might not be.
Which is, in a nutshell, the epistemological uncertainty that besets all six mini-Daisuki campaigns. Our sample sizes are just too small, and the Pokémon unfortunately bereft of any unique identifying characteristic to be able to say with absolute certainty whether any surviving examples are authentic. Even Tom Heracross and Jasmine Milotic, which I very much want to believe are original, could still be elaborate and highly successful fakes. It’s simply so statistically improbable that they are real. The sad reality is that we may have to reconcile ourselves with this ambiguity. But… That’s okay. Instead, our target should be to round out and put on firm(er) footing all six Pokemon’s distribution info, preferably through primary sources, so that, armed with a full picture, we can at least establish what each mini-Daisuki would have looked like, even if we can never point a single specimen and go “yes, that one’s definitely authentic”.
Wow. This has shaped up to be quite the read! A heartfelt hats-off and thank you if you made it all the way through. On the surface, the “mini” Daisukis were personable little fan-pleasers, designed to appeal to the Club’s most dedicated followers. But they were also “feeler” experiments that helped the Club get its WiFi feet wet, test its pioneering Mail-to-prize system and gauge Japan’s appetite for GTS-based special events. How clever! Clearly, the trial was deemed a runaway success, and the “minis” were soon superseded by a string of more visible, more ambitious GTS events with bigger legacies. If you’re not saturated yet, we can talk about some of these. Starting with Valentine’s Magikarp.
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