Harvest Moon 3 is a finely-crafted piece of agri-escapism. Just mind the grind.
Pokémon Trading Card Game 2 (2001)
Pokémon TCG2 is a worthy sequel. It’s just that Team Great Rocket have nicked everyone’s Pokémon cards, and the ones I truly want are elusive.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Duel Stories (2002)
Dark Duel Stories is Yu-Gi-Oh, yet it absolutely isn’t… And I love it.
Golden Sun (2001)
After a slow start, Golden Sun blossoms into a thoughtful, gorgeous JPRG that can vie with Mother 3 and Knight of Lodis for the GBA crown.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (2003)
A decade and a half post-release, Knights of the Old Republic still delivers a sure-fire good time.
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town (2003)
I love Harvest Moon. But you’ll need a sturdy pair of nostalgia goggles to truly enjoy this one today.
Final Fantasy V (1992)
What can I say about Final Fantasy V? It tried to innovate. It really did. But unfortunately, it never quite hit the nail on the head.
Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones (2005)
It’s definitely Fire Emblem. But Sacred Stones its slapdash approach to story-telling, tactical combat and AI programming combine to make it one of the series’ weaker entries.
Pokemon Prism (2018)
Boasting an entirely new adventure in the style of the GameBoy classics, Pokémon Prism is fast becoming the definitive retro Pokémon RPG experience.
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising (2003)
Imagine how good Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising would be had it paired sublime turn-based tactical warfare with a convincing story.