Scoop It Up!

We now have digital archives of the periodical Pokémon Scoop (2002-2012). A Japanese publication, Scoop was jam-packed with eye-catching information on the latest developments in the world of Pokémon. Find them here!

Journey to Spectacular Sinnoh!

Let your imagination run free! The years 2006-7 were an exciting, revolutionary time for the Pokémon franchise. This series explores Pokémon Diamond & Pearl’s virgin wave of charming and imaginative events situated at the intersection of real and virtual life. Find the pages here!

Explore the Legacy of PokéCenter New York!

What?! You're saying New York used to have a real-life PokéCenter? It sure did! Right in the heart of the Rockefeller Center! These pages are all about the historic event Pokémon distributed by the PC New York between 2001 and 2005. Our mission: to preserve, to document, to remember. Read here!

Pokémon Daisuki Club: Lost But Not Forgotten!

Pokémon Diamond & Pearl pioneered the Global Trade System (GTS), and Japan's official fanclub was quick to see the fresh possibilities it offered. Explore the history of Gen IV's mysterious "Daisuki Club" GTS distributions and the highly elusive, enigmatic event Pokémon they bought forth. Check it out here!

PokeTimes: Following in the Club's Footsteps

Taking a leaf from the erstwhile Daisuki Club's book, PokeTimes has organised several staffer-to-fan Pokémon trade initiatives since 2020. Including Clefairy, Chansey, Gible, Stantler, Bidoof, and more! Check out our coverage here.

Have I Got News For You!

The Pokémon Company Trainer Club has sent out monthly email newsletters to fans' inboxes since 2014. Chock-full of Pokenews, they make for interesting temporal snapshots. Find a growing collection of these here.

Journey to Kool Kalos!

You know what you just did? You’ve taken your first step into Kalos, a region inspired by France. Oui! We have fine wine here. Chateaus in abundance. And oh, some rather imaginative event Pokémon, too! Enjoy your stay. Read here!

Update 2025/02:
Pokémon Scoop archives are expanding! Here!

A new feature article is live, 2013's CoroCoro Garchomp! Check it out here.

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Pokémon and Pokémon characters are © 1995-2025 Nintendo, GAME FREAK and Creatures, Inc. This is a fan review and documentation website. No infringement is intended.

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